Audio and video productions to promote the WHO work in South Sudan, and raise awareness on health issues

Audio and video productions to promote the WHO work in South Sudan, and raise awareness on health issues

Radio is an important tool for the rapid diffusion of important messages on health.  Regular live radio talk programmes have been successfully used in South Sudan.

The WHO in South Sudan has a regular slot on Miraya radio (a radio station with wide coverage in South Sudan), broadcasting messages to promote Health, Universal Health Coverage and SDGs. The live broadcasts are used to raise awareness and sensitize the community about various health related issues, including prevention of communicable diseases, nutrition and the importance of seeking health care as soon as the need arises instead of waiting for the condition to become life threatening.

Besides to the regular live radio talk programmes, WHO is using the “Working Together” forum designed by Miraya Radio team to build greater trust, confidence and awareness of the work of the UN to showcase WHO’s work in South Sudan.